Parents & Kids Page(16/17)

Dear Parents,

Thank you for visiting our class blog! Here you’ll get a glimpse inside our classroom and find out what your child is learning on a daily basis. You will get invitations to visit our site via the REMIND app that you recently signed up for, but please feel free to visit as often as you wish! Use our blog as a “launch pad” as a discussion for the age old question: “What did you do at school today?” CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW and be sure to try some of the HomeSHARE activities with your children!

Our Learning Journeys  Read about all the amazing places we’ve travelled, the people we’ve met and all the incredible things we’ve learned.

Our Math Investigations Find some of the questions that have been challenging our math brains! You’ll find examples of students’ solutions and feedback about have they’ve solved their problems.

Our ConnectED Classroom  Learn what life ins like in our ConnectED Classroom

The Writing Wall Here you’ll find  what we’ve been writing about in our classroom.

Reading Room Visit the Reading Room to find out about all of the different adventures we are taking and the amazing things we are learning through the pages of books!

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do? We are called to be God’s servants! Visit this page for all things Christian Living!

Art Corner  This page will allow you to view some of the incredible pieces of art that have been produced in our classroom this year!

Math Challenges Visit this page to find many “real world” math problems where your child will be able to practise and hone their math problem solving skills. See if you and child can find examples of real world math problems in your daily lives!