The M.A.D Podcast Page(17/18)

Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 3.24.32 PMWelcome to our class podcast page. Here you’ll find links to our “M.A.D” (Make A Difference) Podcasts. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we’ve enjoyed putting these podcasts together. It has been a learning experience for all of us. They are by no means perfect, but… “Hey, it’s never going to be perfect!”

If you have any questions, comments, input or would like to podcast with us, simply drop our teacher an email and we’ll get back to you!

 The M.A.D Podcast Episode 9: Nokomis Josephine Mandamin. Our class reflects on how “Water Walker” Josephine Mandamin makes a difference for Nibi (water) and inspires us to be difference makers.

 The M.A.D Podcast Episode 8: M.A.D Project Shareout! My students spend their Friday afternoon “sharing out” their M.A.D (Make A Difference) Project to date. This may have been my favourite podcast so far. I’m so proud of these young difference makers.

 The M.A.D Podcast Episode 7: What Was in Jeremy’s Egg? My students’ reflect on the difference makers in “What was in Jeremy’s Egg”. The story and all prompts can be found on our blog.

 The M.A.D Podcast Episode 6: Pink Shirt DayMy difference makers discuss Pink Shirt Day, its origins and how THEY can make a difference.

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 The M.A.D Podcast Episode 5: Compliment Booklets   Mr.C’s Class talks about receiving their Compliment Booklets on Valentine’s Day, their feelings and take aways and how kind words can truly make a difference.

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The M.A.D Podcast Episode 3: Mr. Shreffler and Class A conversation about podcasting and difference makers with Mr. Shreffler’s class in Orlando, Florida.

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The M.A.D Podcast Episode 2: My Difference Makers. Daphne and Raven discuss who their difference makers are and how they’ve impacted their lives. The “uncut” version.

Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 2.44.10 PM The M.A.D Podcast Episode 1: Who are Your difference Makers? Our first class podcast where we share who our difference makers are and how they’ve made a difference in our lives.

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First Podcast with class: A conversation with Mr. Rhodenizer. Our conversation with Mr. R about how to begin podcasting in our classroom.                                          

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